english |
deutsch |
in the evening we enjoyed the wonderful red sun and sky and as always
we talked till late at night. the next morning the berners hat to
save our car and get the battery back to work. then we went to odda
where we hiked up to the buer-glacier: over bridges, along the top-rope,
over rocks, streams and stairs we had one of the highlights in the
north. the next day we drove to the preikestolen... and on the camping
we took the nicest place. once again nicole and marc surprised us
with their appearance! markus ran up to the amazing rock and was
incredibly fast! once again we could spend a wonderful eve next
to the red vw-bus.
the third time saying goodbye we went to stavanger. in the cinema
we saw the film “king arthur” and had a delicious pizza.
short after that we went to the huge swards in the ground and only
found it with much luck, as the norwegian signalisation isn’t
really brill... as nearly every eve we stayed over night next to
the see and fell asleep while listening to the waves.
went again into a city, and again we enjoyed the cinema! in egersund
we watched: “the lady-killers” with tom hanks. in norway
all the movies and lots of tv-series are in english – that’s
why they all speak fluently english and why we love going to the
cinema ;) in the eve we went to the ferry-office and put ourselves
on the waiting-list to go to denmark. with a lot of luck we got
one of the last cabins.
denmark we went to a lighthouse that was buried by the sand dunes.
after a sleep we went to the aquarium, and every time we’re
impressed and fascinated. along the fast motorway we went to aalbourg
– a great city! although the weather forecast was bad we woke
up with sunshine in our face. we went to another town: viborg, and
we liked it really well. we really fell in love with the danish
towns and villages. the have such a lot of charm, colour and character.
on we went along the west coast to the dunes. By the beach we played,
collected shells, walked along the water and talked. After the wonderful
sunset we read our great books until we could hardly see the single
letters anymore and our eyes closed.
the next day it winded incredibly much. we went to esbjerg, along
the longest pedestrian road in denmark, carried on to room, an island
with the biggest beach of northern europe. It hat thousands of surfers
– but the best thing was that we could drive on the beach
with our galaxy. markus was thrilled as he crashed through the huge
puddles of water. luckily the rain in the night washed all the salt
from the car and bikes. ;) in the eve something happened that we
never even feared the last 5 weeks: at 2am a policeman knocked on
our car, he should have given us a fine for 70 euros but saved us
from that and gave us a good clue where we can park legally over
night. really nice! the next day we enjoyed the huge waves in the
sea and the high temperature of the water.
a short drive we arrived in germany. we watched the huge tanks going
underneath the bridge and then could hardly believe how cheap food
is in the aldi-shop! :) in the eve we stopped in bad gandersheim
on the camping and had a drink in town.
on august 21st markus had his 30st birthday. we bought 10 delicious
pieces of cake in town. In in rothenburg ob der tauber we went eating
out and then drove for hours and hours till füssen. there we
hiked to the castle of neu schwanstein and then came over the fernpass
to austria. in fiss (tirol) we took a wonderful hotel room and late
in the evening we watched the olympics in athen for the first time.
next day we went up the mountain where we usually go skiing or snowboarding
in winter. markus did a great bike ride with a fabulous downhill.
I sat on the top of the mountain with sun in my face and a great
view in front of my eyes. after on and a half hours of driving we
reached home. it was so nice seeing our families and to sleep in
the “real” bed. today we had a spontaneous familiyday:
natalie, nanouk, ben, gaby, my parents, markus and I were at the
hirschweg talking and enjoying the time together! |
am obig hemmer mit nicole & em marc de wunderschön sunnenuntergang
bestuunt & halt wie immer bis spoot in d’nacht ie gschwätzt.
am morge druff hend üs d’bärner wiedermol s’auto
grettet mit - überbrücke :). denn simmer uf odda, womer
zum buergletscher gwanderet sind: über brüggli, em top-rope
no ueh, über stock, stei, flüss, leitere... hemmer eine
vo de highlights vom norde erlebt. am nöchschte tag simmer
nichts ahnend zum preikestolen gfahre & ufm camping de schönscht
platz beleit... & wer het üs wiedermol überrascht:
die berner-connection nicole & marc! de markus isch no uf de
preikestolen uegrännt & het definitiv en neue gschwindigkeitsrekord
ufgstellt. wiedermol hemmer nebed em rote vw-bussli dörfe höckle
& de obig gnüsse.
noch em dritte mol „tschau“ säge simmer uf stavanger.
im kino hemmer *king arthur* gluegt & e meeegafeini pizza gha.
churz denoch hemmer üs - wie scho hundertmol – über
die grotteschlecht signalisation vo de norweger ufgregt & denn
endlich glich no d’schwerter gfunde wo de „king-arthur-obig“
schön abgrundet het. wie fascht immer hemmer am meer übernachtet
& sind mit em ruusche vo de welle igschlofe.
wieder simmer ine stadt & wieder simmer ins kino: in egersund
hemmer üs de tom hanks-streife agluegt: the lady-killers. in
norwege sind alli kinofilm (& di meischte sendige im tv) in
originalsproch. drum chönds alli so super englisch & drum
simmer so gern ins kino ;) am obig hemmer üs denn iträge
loh uf d’wartelischte vo de fähre uf dänemark &
hend ufm parkplatz gkocht. mit villll glück hemmer di letschte
kabine übercho.
in dänemark acho simmer natürli gad zume lüchtturm
in rubjerg wo vo de sanddüne ignoh worde isch. noch eme nickerchen
simmer denn ins aquarium, was üs jedesmol fasziniere chan.
über di schnell autobahn ischs denn uf aalbourg gange –
e voll e cooli stadt. trotz de schlechte wetterprognose het wiedermol
d’sunne gschunne. also simmer am nöchschte tag nomol
in es städtli: viborg het üs ganz speziell gfalle. mer
hend üs sowieso scho sit kopenhagen in di dänische städt
& dörfli verliebt. die hend eifach alli charme, farb &
charakter!spöter simmer an d’westküschte zu de düne.
am strand hemmer jongliert, muschle gsammlet, gföttelet, gspaziert
& vill gredt. noch em schöne sunneuntergang hemmer üs
wiedermol in üsi büecher vertüüft bis üsi
auge d’buechstabe nümm hend chöne entziffere.
tja, am nöchschte tag het’s denn unglaublich fescht gwindet.
mer sind uf esbjerg, dur di längscht fuessgängerzone vo
dänemark gschlenderet & denn uf römö, en insle
mit em gröschte sandstrand vo nordeuropa. es het tuusigi vo
wind- & kitesurfer gha – aber s’bescht isch gsi,
dass mer hend chöne mit üsem galaxy uf em strand fahre.
de markus het gstrahlet wie en mariekäfer woner mit vollgas
dur di riesige wasserpfütze ufm sand donneret isch. Zum glück
het ir nacht de räge s’auto & üsi bikes wieder
es bitz gwäsche ;) am obig isch öppis passiert womer di
letschte 5 wuche verschont blibe sind: am morge am 2 isch en polizist
an üsers auto cho chlopfe. er müesst üs e buess geh
für 70 euro, aber er drucki beidi auge zue & gäbi
üs en tipp für en legale platz zum übernachte. unglaublich
am tag druff hemmer bi riesige welle im meer badet & s’warm
wasser gnosse.noch churzer ziit simmer uf dütschland cho. mer
hend bim nordostseekanal gluegt wie di grosse schiff unter de brugg
durefahred & im aldi üsne auge nid traut wie billig nahrigsmittel
sii chönnd :) am obig hemmer in bad gandersheim en camping
gnoh & ir altstadt im biergarten no eis trunke.
tja, & am 21. het de markus geburtstag gha. mer hend s’bescht
us üsem fahrtag gmacht & im dörfli 10 stückli
chueche gkauft. in rothenburg ob der tauber simmer uswärts
go esse & denn eeewigs wiitergfahre bis füssen. döt
simmer natürlich zum schloss neu schwanstein uegloffe &
sind nocher gad über de fernpass uf östrich. in fiss (tirol)
hemmer es superschöns hotelzimmer
gnoh & spoot am obig s’erscht mol chöne olympiade
us athen luege!
am nöchschte tag hemmer s’gebiet womer sus amigs im winter
mit de bretter gnüssed im summer erkundet. de markus het no
e tour mit em bike gmacht & i han ufm gipfel d’sunne &
di grandios ussicht gnosse. noch eineinhalb stund im auto simmer
dihai acho... isch super gsi zum üsi familie wieder gseh &
im eigene bett schloofe! hüt hemmer e spontani familiezemekunft
gha: d’natalie, de nanouk, de ben, d’gaby, mini eltere,
de markus und i sind am hirschweg gsi zum plaudere & s’zemmesii
gnüsse! |
i n bodø we shopped & bought a chicken which we ate at
the harbour. then we carried on to the saltstraumen. it's the biggest
tidal current in the world (36 km/h stream velocity). we sat on
the bridge and looket at the huge natural whirlpools that were up
to 4m deep. in the eve we reached the polar circle where we stayed
over night. just before steinkjer we took a nice camping and had
to wash our clothes again... in steinkjer there was a big fare.
after a long way on the road we reached trondheim. there we enjoyed
the musicfestival with the great atmosphere in the whole city. the
weather was great too - hot and sunny, so we enjoyed the shaddow
in the parc. in the eve we carried on towards south.
molde we enjoyed the sight from the mountain down to the fjord.
from there we drove to the 1000m high trollzinne where we had lunch.
from there we went up the famous long and winding passroad trollstiegen
... markus with the bike.. after a night on a wonderful parking
just next to a clean and beautiful lake we arrived in geiranger.
this probably was one of the most touristic places in fjordland.
markus rode his bike up to dallsnibba - nearly 2000hm. afterwards
we cooled our feet and washed ourselves in the freezingcold stream
that came down from the glaciers. it was wonderful refreshing!
the same day, as we were cooking at the side of a fjord we saw geese
flying over the water - and not a minute later some whales and a
seal looking out of the water. it made my day!
a night on the pass we arrived in bergen. on the campground we slept
in the shade (it was hot sunshine - in the rainiest town in norway!).
we met a nice swiss couple (nicole
and marc). in that night we could even see the northen lights
- so we stayed up till early in the morning...
next day the four of us went to bergen for sightseeing. it was just
soo baking hot. so we went up the hill and hiked down in the cool
woods. .
last two days we spent in the nationalparc hardangervidda. it's
the biggest elevated plateau in europe - on 1200m. by coincidence
we met nicole and marc again, the couple we had met in bergen. so
we spent two nice evenings with them, next to a strange barrage.
one day markus and i went biking. it was supposed to be an easy
ride through the beautiful nature to a hut. but the 40km-trail was
much too rough to ride the whole way. so we spent a long way carriing
the bike on our shoulders and jumping from stone to stone, not to
fall into the water! |
in bodø hemmer es bitz gshoppet und e poulet gkauft womer
am hafe gässe hend. nocher simmer es paar kilometer wiiter
zum saltstraumen, em gröschte gezeitenstrom vo de welt (36
km/h flüüssgschwindigkeit). mer sind uf de brugg ghockt
und hend de wirbel im wasser zuegluegt wo bis 4m tuef sind. am obig
hemmer ufm polarkreis übernachtet. vor steinkjer hemmer üs
wieder mol en schöne camping gleischtet und au wiedermol kleider
gwäsche. in steinkjer isch de alljöhrlich stadtmarkt gsi.
noch enere endlose autostrecki hemmer trondheim erreicht. döt
isch gad zuefällig musicfestival gsi und somit ir ganze stadt
super stimmig! s'wetter het au passt, es isch heiss gsi und mer
hend de schatte in de pärk gnosse. no am gliche tag simmer
wiiter richtig süde gfahre.
molde hemmer vome berg d'ussicht über d'berge und d'fjord gnosse.
vo döt simmer zu de 1000m hohe trollzinne gfahre wo mer gkocht
hend. vo döt simmer denn di bekannt passstross trollstiegen
gfahre... de markus mit em velo. noch eme geniale rastpark ame herrlich
subere see und enere wiitere passstross simmer uf geiranger cho
- sicher eis vo de touristischste örtli im fjordland. de markus
isch mit em velo no uf dalsnibba und het fascht 2000hm gmacht. nocher
hemmer üs im gletscherbach d'füss gkühlt und üs
gwäsche und di superschön landschaft gnosse.
am gliche tag hemmer ame fjord gkocht und innerhalb vonere minute
en gänseschwarm, en seehund und en rudel wal gseh. einigi sind
sogar us em wasser gsprunge.
enere nacht ufm pass simmer uf bergen. ufm camping hemmer üs
im schatte usgruebt (es isch sunnig heiss gsi - und das ir rägerichschte
stadt vo norwege!!!) und es schwiizer pärli (nicole
und marc) kenneglernt. in dere nacht hemmer denn zemme sogar
chöne s'nordliecht beobachte. isch super gsi und mir sind bis
am morge früeh ufblibe.
nöchschte tag simmer alli mitenand uf berge zum sightseeing.
es isch mega heiss gsi. so simmer mit em bähnli uf de husberg
vo bergen und sind im chühle wald abegloffe.
letschte zwei täg simmer im nationalpark hardangervidda gsi.
das isch di gröscht hochebeni in europa. kargi landschaft uf
1200 m. per zuefall hemmer denn d'nicole und de marc vom camping
in bergen wieder troffe und mit ihne zwei schöni öbig
ame komische staudamm verbrocht. ein tag sind de markus und i go
bike - aber de 40km-trail isch vill härter gsi als erwartet.
mer hend de meischt wäg müesse träge und vo stei
zu stei gumpe und ufpasse, dass mer nid in sumpf stönnd und
en schueh voll ussezüched. |
we arrived in andenes, we went to a snow-white sandy beach to read
and sleep. a bit further south we found a wonderful camping, next
to the sea. eventually we got a hot shower and washed our clothes.
the next day was our second bad-weather-day... it rained and was
quite windy. so we wrote some postcards and had dinner in a small
wednesday we went to see the whale-museum and then carried on south
to sortland, where we got infos about a hike. the same day we went
to stø and stayed overnight next to the church, at the beach.
early the next morning we set off along a hard and difficult trail,
over a few peaks. we had a brilliant view, it was well worth it!
more than 7 hours walking we went further south to melbu where we
stayed over night - as usual - next to the sea. the next morning
we caught the ferry and met an old friend of markus and his girlfriend.
after having a drink with them in the harbour we carried on to the
aquarium. it's incredible what horrible monsters live in the sea!
in the eve we found a great place to parc the car for the night,
on the way to hæmmingsvær. that's already on the lofoten.
the landscape is wonderful: steep mountains that lead directly into
the sea and little villages or wonderful white sandy beaches.
an extremly hot and long friday evening we visited the viking-museum.
before ramberg we stopped at a wonderful beach. with a family from
italy we chatted for ages - and even saw a whale passing by just
next to us! we continued to Å, right at the bottom of the
lofoten. on the 1st of august we met 3 swiss and talked till after
a lazy sunny day we took the ferry to værøy. a small
island south of the lofoten, 770 inhabitants, 22 km of road but
over 4 million birds! there we did a hike and saw 6 white-tailed
eagles. the night we spent at a nice place at the beach.
we took the ferry to the norwegian mainland (bodø). a nice
6 hours cruise in beautiful warm sunshine.
mer z'andenes acho sind, simmer ame schneewiisse strand go ligge
und läse. es bitz wiiter südlich uf dere insle oberhalb
vo de lofoten hemmer in stave en schöne chline camping gfunde
(direkt am meer). mer hend endlich emol e duschi gha und üseri
chleider chöne wäsche. de nöchscht tag isch üsere
zweit schlecht-wettertag gsi. es het grägnet und gwindet. also
hemmer wiedermol charte gschribe und usnahmswiis mol usswärts
mittwuch simmer ins walmuseum und nocher südwärts uf sortland
womer infos über e wanderig übercho hend. am gliche tag
simmer uf stø gfahre und hend döt bir chirche am meer
übernachtet. am nöchschte morge simmer los. de weg isch
über es paar gipfel gange und zum teil recht usgsetzt gsi.
super ussicht, es het sich mehr als glohnt!
mehr als 7 std. laufe simmer wiiter südlich uf melbu gfahre
womer am meer übernachtet hend. am nöchschte morge hemmer
als letschts auto d'fähre verwütscht und hend in solvær
en alte rs-kolleg vom markus mit sinere fründin troffe. nochdemm
mer uf de terasse am hafe öppis zemme trunke hend, simmer wiiter
ins aquarium. erstuunlich was für mönschterli im meer
wohned (de markus isst nie meh seetüfel!). am obig hemmer es
genials plätzli gfunde vor hæmmingsvær. das liit
bereits uf de lofoten. d'landschaft isch prägt vo steile berge
wo direkt ins meer gönd und eme schmale streife mit chline
örtli und wiisse stränd.
eme extrem heisse und lange friitigobig simmer am samstig ine vikingermuseum
(sind immerhin mini vorfahre!). vor ramberg hemmer ame superschöne
strand halt gmacht. mit enere italienerfamilie hemmer bis noch mitternacht
diskutiert - mit händ und füess - bis wiedermol en chline
wal nebed üs uftaucht isch. am nöchschte tag isch de markus
go wandere. mer sind dur x dörfli uf Å z'unterscht uf
de lofoten gfahre. am 1. auguscht hemmer zuefälligerwiis 3
schwiizer troffe und
stundenlang gredt.
eme fuule tag ar sunne simmer mit de fähre uf værøy
gfahre. e chliini insle südlich vo de lofoten, 770 iiwohner,
22 km stross aber über 4 mio. vögel! döt hemmer e
wanderig gmacht womer 6 seeadler gseh hend. d'nacht hemmer ame wunderschöne
plätzli am strand verbrocht.
simmer mit de fähre wiiter uf s'norwegische feschtland (bodø)
gfahre. bi schönnschtem wetter: 6 stund krüzfahrt. |
jokkmokk we got some information on the muddes nationalpark –
you can also explore it by bike. we went out into the wildlife and
converted our bikes. but not even the wide tyres made it possible
to ride everywhere on the trail to the waterfall. because of fallen
trees and swamp we had to carry our biked further than we could
ride them. it was worth it, nevertheless.
went on the dunret-moutain. in winter it’s quite busy up there
– in summer it’s very quiet. then, for a short while,
we went to finland. in kautokenio we saw a huge jump which made
us jitter when we sat on top of it.
karasjok we looked at the sapmi-museum. interesting people with
an fascinating belief.
we hiked to the fossil trolls and took some pictures on the beach
and collected some shells. on the same day we finally reached the
nordkap, after 4000 km of driving. it was great! in the infocenter
we looked the multivisionshow and read about the history of the
nordkap. of course we also gazed at the midnight sun and took several
pictures. up here there is no clear border between day and night
at the moment. at the beginning it was great, now we’re looking
forward to sleep in a dark night where you don’t get woken
up at 1am from the hot sun.
the nordkap we made a small hike to see the nodkaphorn. the nature
is similar to our swiss mountains. the thing that make’s this
so special is the sea all around and all the reindeer you see everywhere.
the sea gives you a feeling of freedom. it enchants nearly every
wednesday we went to eat out the first time. we enjoy to cook for
ourselves and mostly manage to create a delicious meal. in alta
we hiked on the komsa-mountain and had a view over the whole fjord.
then we rode to the alta canyon by bike. the 60 km weren’t
very varied but wonderful. it’s the largest canyon in northern
europe and leads to the altaelv barrage which is huge. we cooked
at the alta river on the big slates. it was beautiful. we sunbathed,
washed our hair and waited to see a salmon ;-) in the alta museum
we philosophised about the meaning and interpretation of the over
6000 years old petrographs and walked the way of the world heritage
the jockelfjord / oeksjordjoekul we found a super place to stay
a while. we got to know nicole and toni who have travelled around
the whole world. they gave us some good tips. then we hiked to the
glacier. it reaches down to the fjord. on the hike we saw two whales
having a good time several times. it was an amazing experience!
on saturday we went to tromsø – paris of the north!
we went into the city by bike; once again, and enjoyed the nearly
30 degrees! in the evening we drove to the island kvaløz
where we slept at the furthermost point at a white beach. there
we saw the midnight sun the last time. we climbed up a hill to observe
it, how it disappeared half in the sea and came up again.
weather has been a perfect dream the whole two weeks apart from
1.5 days. like this we could cook outside and wash ourselves in
the rivers and lakes. the people are quite reserved and quiet here.
we actually only had contact with tourists so far.
today we’re on the vesterålen island. it’s supposed
to be the world’s nicest coast.... well. we’ll see what’s
so special.
time to have a look. cu!
jokkmokk hend mer infos über de muddes nationalpark übercho
- me chön au mit em velo iefahre. also simmer usse in d’wildnis
und hend üsi bikes umgrüschtet. doch nid mol di breite
reife hend’s möglich gmacht zum überall fahre uf
de strecki bis zum wasserfall. umgstürzti bäum und sumpf
hend d’tragstrecki länger werde loh als di schöne
trails. aber glohnt het’s sich gliich!
simmer uf de dunret-berg. im winter seg do allerhand los - im summer
isch tote hose. drufabe simmer für e churzi teilstrecki uf
finnland. in kautokenio isch e riesigi skisprungschanze wo eim grad
bitz z’bibbere bringt wemme uf dem lottergstell zoberscht
karasjok hemmer s’sapmi-samenmuseum agluegt - es interessants
volk mit eme faszinierende glaube.
simmer zu de versteinerete troll gwanderet und hend am strand gföttelet
und muschle gsammlet. no am gliche tag hemmer noch 4000 km endlich
s’nordkapp erreicht. es isch super gsi! mer hend im infocenter
d’multivisionsshow gluegt und über d’gschicht vom
nordkapp gläse. natürli hemmer au d’mitternachtssunne
bestuunt und gföttelet. es git do obe im norde im moment kei
klari grenze zwuesched tag und nacht. am afang isch es super gsi,
etz froied mer üs uf e dunkli nacht wome nid scho am eis am
morge vur heisse sunne gweckt wird!
nordkapp hemmer e churzi wanderig gmacht zum s’nordkapphorn
z’gseh. d’natur isch ähnlich wie i üsne schwiizer
berge. S’spezielle isch halt s’meer rundume und all
die wild lebende rentier wome überall gseht. s’meer git
eim eifach immer s’gfühl vo freiheit und wiiter welt.
es verzauberet fascht jedi landschaft.
mittwuch simmer denn serscht mol usswärts go esse. mer gnüsseds
sus eigentlich immer zum selber choche und bringed au meischtens
es leckers menu z’stand. in alta simmer uf de komsa-berg uegloffe
und hend über de ganz fjord abegluegt. denn simmer mit de bikes
zum alta canyon gfahre. die 60 km sind zwor nid sehr abwechsligsriich
aber wunderschön gsi. es isch de gröscht canyon in nordeuropa
und füert zum altaelv staudamm wo riiesig isch. mer hend am
altafluss uf dene grosse schieferplatte ame wunderschöne plätzli
gkocht, gsuennelet, d’hoor gwäsche und uf en lachs gwartet
;-) im alta-museum hemmer denn über de sinn und dinterpretation
vo de über 6000 johr alte felszeichnige philosophiert und de
weg am weltkulturerbe abgloffe.
jockelfjord / oeksjordjoekul hemmer en super platz gfunde zum es
ziitli blibe. mer hend d’nicole und de toni kenneglernt wo
scho di ganz welt bereist hend und üs super tipps wiitergeh
hend. denn simmer zum gletscher gwanderet. er goht bis abe in fjord.
uf de wanderig hemmer mehrmols zwei wal gseh am spiele. es super
erlebnis! am samstig simmer uf tromsø - paris des nordens!
mer sind wiedermol mit de velos in d’stadt und hend die fascht
30 grad gnosse! gege obig simmer uf dinsle kvaløz womer am
üsserste spitz ame wisse strand übernachtet hend. es isch
doet s’letscht mol mitternachtsunne gsi. also simmer uf en
huegel ue go si beobachte wie si halb ins meer taucht und noch de
hälfti wieder uftraucht.
isch di ganze zwei wuche mit usnahm vo eineinhalb täg immer
traumhaft schön und warm gsi. eso hemmer immer chöne verusse
choche und üs in de bäch und see wäsche. defür
sind d’luet eher chalt und ruhig. eigentlich hemmer nur mit
turischte würkli kontakt gha. sit huet simmer uf de vesterålen
insle. das seg di schönscht küschte vo de welt.... tja.
mol luege was es z’gseh git.
ziit zum go luege. cu!
stockholm we carried on to the north. the next day we stayed over
night on a carpark at a wonderful lake. like this we had washing-facilities
the next morning. we enjoyed the wonderful weather by the lake and
markus went on a short bikeride.
the next day we met a few swiss and went hiking near one of the
highest hanging bridges in the world. we also had to go shopping
to get enough food for the next few weeks as it's much more expensive
in norway than in sweden. for that night we found a wonderful small
lake with a nice table and toilet - all alone for us. well - it
doesn't really get dark these nights up here. at midnight we feel
we should get to bed as it's late and at 3am the sun shines on our
faces and wakes us up. but we never really seem tired.
the next day we found a great swimmingpool - outside it was heated;
inside like a small säntispark - and all this in the wonderful
hot sunshine. in the evening we stayed on a small island, parked
the car just about 2 meters next to the water. and not even the
mosquitos came to visit us :)
we've just come over the arctic circle and arrived in jokkmokk,
want to see the samen (the native people) museum and hike up a mountain
with a great view. in a few days we expect to reach the north cap
and then continue down the norwegian coast. there we want to take
more time for sports and culture...
so. other people waiting for the internet... :-) hej da!
stockholm simmer wiiter norde gfahre. am nöchschte tag hemmer
uf eme parkplatz bime wunderschöne see uebernachtet. eso hemmer
am nöchschte morge super chöne dusche, zäh putze
und so. mir hend s'warme wetter am see gnosse und de markus isch
no schnell go bike.
am nöchschte tag hemmer gad es paar schwiizer troffe und sind
bi einere vo de höchschte hängebruecke ir welt go wandere.
denn hemmer no muesse üsi vorröt go ufstocke, will's schiints
z'norwege villll tuerer seg als do in schwede. etz hemmer wieder
gnueg fuer di nöchschte paar wuche! fuer die nacht hemmer wieder
en herzige chline see gfunde - sogar mit eme wc und me tisch, ganz
allei fuer ues. also, eigentlich wirds do gar nie dunkel ir nacht...
um mitternacht finded mer me sött langsam go schlofe, eifach
will's halt scho spoot
isch... und am morge am 3 weckt eim d'sunne scho wieder wenn si
uf uesi gsichter schiint... aber müed simmer wege dem nie.
am nöchschte tag hemmer es super schwimmbad gfunde - das dusse
isch gheizt gsi und dinne hets wie en chline säntispark gha...
und ir umkleidekabine wie immer au e sauna! und all das im heisse
sunneschii. mir hend sowieso etz eigentlich meischtens schöns
wetter gha - scho ewigs kein rägetropfe meh! am obig hemmer
s'auto öppe 2 meter nebd s'wasser, zmizt uf en insle parkt.
und nid mol d'mugge sind üs döt cho bsueche :)
hemmer gad de polarkreis überquert und sind in jokkmokk, womer
no s'samenmuseum wend go aluege (uriiwohner) und uf en berg ue wandere
mit enere guete uussicht...
es paar täg werded mer am nordkapp sii und denn über di
norwegisch küschte abefahre. döt werded mer sicher meh
ziit in sport und kultur investiere...
es wennd no anderi ans internet... :-) hej da!
setting off at 5am we had a long drive ahead of us up through germany
to rostock. there we took a ferry over to denmark. soon after gedser
we stayed over night on a super nice parking. here in scandinavia
there are lots of great places where all the campers can stay for
next day we spent in kopenhagen. we enjoyed the good atmosphere
and nice places. in the evening we carried on to the bridge which
leads to sweden. a few hundred km from stockholm we found another
nice "traffikplats" to sleep in our car where we spent
the night. our car's really comfortable and we love travelling like
markus woke me up at 7am, all excited to go to stockholm. so we
arrived here in the city before lunchtime. as in kopenhagen we toured
around the city by bike. it's great here, everything's made especially
for bikes! after loads of rain we risked sitting on our bikes again,
we saw chrigel gruenig, a
friend from grabs. unbelievable!
now we're riding back to our car and will look for a nice place
to sleep up north. still happy and enjoying every minute up here
in the north!
yeah, by the way: it's great reading from you in the guestbook!
sorry i can't answer everything right now. have to go - the guys
are waiting...
dass mer am 5i abgfahre sind hemmer en ewig lange weg ue dur duetschland
gha bis uf rostock. döt hemmer d'fähre uf dänemark
gnoh. zimmli bald noch em hafe hemmer en schöne raschtplatz
gfunde zum uebernachte. isch eh super do, ueberall parking extra
gmacht fuer luet wie ues - und alles gratis,
inklusive wc und tisch und so.
nöchschte tag simmer denn uf kopenhagen und hend s'flair und
di schöne plätzli voll gnosse! am obig simmer denn ueber
d'brugg uf schwede. döt hemmer wieder en schöne "traffikplatz"
gfunde mit allem drum und dra. es isch super bequem in uesem auto
het mi de markus am 7ni gweckt, ganz ufgregt zum uf stockholm. also
simmer vor em mittag scho do gsi. wie scho z'kopenhagen hemmer d'bikes
ab em veloständer gnoh und sind dur di ganz stadt mit de velo.
isch ideal do, alles super usgrueschtet fuer velos! noch enere wiitere
regephase hemmer ues denn wieder uf de sattel gwogt - und: prompt
hemmer de chrigel gruenig, en kolleg vo grabs troffe! so cool!
etz fahred mer denn zrugg zu uesem auto und wiiter richtig grabs.
mer sinds immer no am gnuesse, isch soo schön uf uesere reis
do im norde!
jo, uebrigens: danke vill mol fuer all eui messages im gäschtebuech!!!
isch super zum amigs vo eu ghöre! han aber hüt kei ziit
meh zum schribe, d'männer warted........ cu! |
after an intense weekend filled with washing, cleaning, ironing,
packing, making curtains for the car, filling boxes and getting
ready for a big trip we are all excited but also tired... we definitely
need holidays now!
we have planned to drive up through germany as far as we get in
the night. after taking the ferry to sweden we want to spend a few
days in stockholm. from there we'll head right up to the north cap.
read more later - my brother will help us putting new news online
regularly - thank you beN! :) |
noch eme intensive wuchenend gfüllt mit kleider wäsche,
bügle, putze, packe, vorhäng mache für s'auto,
schachtle fülle und alls parat mache für üsi gross
reis - simmer etz beidi zimmli müed und natürlich gspannt,
was uf üs zuechunnt!
mir hend plant zum in de nacht dur dütschland fahre - so wiit
wie mer chömed und üsi auge offe blibed - und denn mit
de fähre übere uf schwede. vo döt goht's denn direkt
uf stockholm, womer es paar täg wetted bliibe. denn goht's
direkt ufe ans nordkap.
es wird immer wieder regelmässig news online geh vo üs
- min brüeder wird üs debi helfe - danke beN! :) |